Dongfeng Doolika fight drugs

Dongfeng Dolika fight drugs:

Fighting drugs : Fighting drugs are also known as drug spraying vehicles, spraying vehicles, and pesticide spraying vehicles. It is mainly modified on the basis of Dongfeng, Liberation, Futian an

Several garbage handling methods

1. Damage to the fuel tank When the vehicle is in use, it is found that the oil leaks from the fuel tank. You can clean the oil spill, apply soap or bubble gum to the oil leak, temporarily block it, and repair it with an epoxy resin adhesive.

2. Whe

Concrete pump truck

China Automotive Network concrete pump trucks have been included in the China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology concrete pump truck car announcement All 10 categories 88 manufacturers 79 concrete pump truck brand 1030 concrete pump truck P

Fluorine valve installation, repair and maintenance

1, Lined fluorine valve flange cover can not be opened, unless it is prepared to connect with the pipeline, PTFE flange surface may be due to temperature, foreign body caused by bump scratch or distortion affect the seal, such as due to inspection needs to move the cover , But also must be test